Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pro-Life March Post 2

January 21 -25, 2011 were the dates of The Way, The Truth, and The Life, a pilgrimage sponsored by the Office of Youth Ministry centered around the Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C. This year, Assumption sent 18 teenagers and their chaperons.  Here are some things the teens have been saying about the trip...

The Pro Life March was an experience of a life time!

My favorite part of the trip was coming together with over 500 teens from St. Louis and 400 thousand people from around the U.S. to support a cause to glorify God's word and make the world a better place.

This trip opened my eyes to the value of life and human dignity. This trip symbolized the true value of God’s people by showing humanitarianism by the gathering of a huge community to come together and fight for a cause that is just.  Through that event it made me realize that this is God telling us that you are never alone if you establish a community through Christ.

I learned that Christ shows his love in many ways such as guidance, comfort, and providing for us. I stood up for life because the thought occurred to me that unborn children will never have the chance to live, which is one of the natural rights of an American, and they will never experience anything we may ever experience.  The unborn children could have been possible friends, potential leaders, and God’s servants. Who are we as humans to take away what may happen?

It is up to us as God’s servants to protect all that is good and righteous. Now that I have come home I live my life in a different way than before. I will think about my actions, taking a closer look to see if they are pro-life or not.

The trip is a constant reminder in my head to better myself, choose better choices, spread the word and love of God, and lead myself away from any sin or temptation.

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