Friday, August 15, 2014

Defend Us in Battle

In 1884, Pope Leo XIII, after offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, stopped and stared for several minutes at the tabernacle, as if in a trance, his "expression was one of horror and awe". He heard two voices. One, loving and kind, the other, harsh and horrifying. This is what he heard:
The voice of Satan, boasting to the Lord: "I can destroy Your Church." 
The gentle voice of Our Lord responded: "You can? Then go ahead and do so." 
Satan: "To do so, I need more time and power." 
God: "How much time? How much power?" 
Satan: "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who would give themselves over to my service." 
God: "You have the time. You will have the power. Do with them as you will."

As he listened to this, Pope Leo also had a vision of demonic spirits congregating on the city of Rome. He then went straight to his private office. Thirty minutes later, he had written the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. He ordered that it be distributed to the Church around the world and instructed it be prayed following every Low Mass.

The practice of praying the Leonine prayers (as they became known for Pope Leo) ceased after Vatican II. This, of course, doesn't mean it's not allowed.

Many of you are probably unfamiliar with the prayer, I myself was until college. Now I recite it after every Mass and Rosary I pray. We know, whether just from what we've been taught and/or talked about in youth group or from very real, personal experience, that evil is real. Satan and Hell are a reality. But we also know that God will not abandon us to the Evil One. Just look to scripture. How many times does He say "Be not afraid"? How many times has he promised that He is with us always?

At first, when reading the conversation from Pope Leo's vision, it can seem that God is in fact leaving us to Satan ("Do with them as you will"). Do you remember the story of Job, though. He had been blessed abundantly for his faithfulness to God, but Satan claims his piety is only a result of his many many blessings; without them, he will turn his back on the Lord. God then allows Satan to torment Job, to test him. Job questions, but through the disease and loss, he remains steadfast in the Lord and he is justly rewarded at the end of his suffering.
There are 2 vastly important lessons for us in this story. 1) Satan can only do what he is permitted by God. Even as the ruler of Hell, he has no real power against God. 2) God will not permit what we cannot stand against...SO LONG AS WE REMAIN IN HIM.

Look around you, at this world so filled with hatred and injustice. This world that is persecuting God's Church through speech, law, military force and terrorism. This world that is tearing itself apart. I know none of you are oblivious to the evil happenings in our world. I know many of you probably often feel helpless as we watch the news or see the terrible happenings trending on Twitter and Facebook. But we are not.

Satan has had the time, he has the power, now he is doing with us as he will. But we are not alone and God has not left us unarmed. We have, amoung other weapons, the Holy Eucharist, the Rosary, and the Prayer to St. Michael.

We know the outcome. We already know Our Lord will win. The earth is ultimately His, but who will your soul belong to?

You may not know the prayer, but I encourage you to print it out or write it down. I challenge you to take 20 seconds (seriously, I timed it) after Mass, at the end of your daily prayers, when you wake up each morning, before you go to bed at night, whenever!, to recite this prayer.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness
and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray, and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Remind Satan every moment that you live who you truly belong to.

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